November 1, 2013 10:51 by
Professional web hosting provider – ASPHostPortal.com proudly announced the integration of the latest Web Deploy 3.5 in all web hosting plans. We are the first few hosting company that provide ASP.NET hosting plan that support the brand new Web Deploy 3.5 Hosting.

WebDeploy v3.5 is now available and there are a few features to consider in this minor release:
- Load Balancer Support with Session Affinity.
- Encrypting web.config Settings Post-Publish.
- App Offline Template.
- Seamless integration with IIS Manager (IIS7 and above), Visual Studio (2010 and above) for creating packages and deploying them onto a machine, both locally and remotely.
- Integration with WebMatrix for deploying and downloading web applications.
- Seamless integration with the Web Platform Installer to install community web applications simply and easily.
- Web application packaging and deployment.
- Web server migration and synchronization.
- Automatic backup of Web Sites before making any changes.
- In addition to the IIS Manager, Visual Studio 10, Web Matrix tasks can be performed using the command-line, PowerShell Cmdlets or public APIs.
According to ASPHostPortal.com, it's Web Deploy 3.5 offerings are distinguished by their low cost, with many of the hosting services supporting the technology being of the more expensive variety.
For more information about this topics or have any enquiries related to Web Deploy 3.5 hosting, please visit http://www.asphostportal.com
About ASPHostPortal.com:
ASPHostPortal.com is a hosting company that best support in Windows and ASP.NET-based hosting. Services include shared hosting, reseller hosting, and sharepoint hosting, with specialty in ASP.NET, SQL Server, and architecting highly scalable solutions. As a leading small to mid-sized business web hosting provider, ASPHostPortal strive to offer the most technologically advanced hosting solutions available to all customers across the world. Security, reliability, and performance are at the core of hosting operations to ensure each site and/or application hosted is highly secured and performs at optimum level.

August 28, 2013 07:51 by
Magento Full Page Cache (FPC) is a very useful technique or mechanism that allows us to copy web content by storing the output of a given URL to a temporary container (caching) to help reduce bandwidth usage, cpu load, memory comsuption, database stress, perceived lag among other benefits.
We need to understand what the run function in Mage_Core_Model_App does and how it is architected:
* Run application. Run process responsible for request processing and sending response.
* List of supported parameters: * scope_code - code of default scope (website/store_group/store code)
* scope_type - type of default scope (website/group/store)
* options - configuration options
* @param array $params application run parameters
* @return Mage_Core_Model_App
public function run($params)
$options = isset($params['options']) ? $params['options'] : array();
Mage::register('application_params', $params);
if ($this->_cache->processRequest()) {
} else { $this->_initModules();
$this->loadAreaPart(Mage_Core_Model_App_Area::AREA_GLOBAL, Mage_Core_Model_App_Area::PART_EVENTS);
if ($this->_config->isLocalConfigLoaded()) {
$scopeCode = isset($params['scope_code']) ? $params['scope_code'] : '';
$scopeType = isset($params['scope_type']) ? $params['scope_type'] : 'store';
$this->_initCurrentStore($scopeCode, $scopeType);
return $this;
The most important part in that function is:
What that line does is that checks if you have defined a caching node like this under app/etc/cache.xml:

cache.xml is just an arbitrary name I chose for this blog post (It’s not really arbitrary as you will see later).
The request processor node gets checked whenever the cache model gets instantiated:
* Class constructor. Initialize cache instance based on options
* @param array $options
public function __construct(array $options = array())
$this->_defaultBackendOptions['cache_dir'] = Mage::getBaseDir('cache');
* Initialize id prefix
$this->_idPrefix = isset($options['id_prefix']) ? $options['id_prefix'] : '';
if (!$this->_idPrefix && isset($options['prefix'])) { $this->_idPrefix = $options['prefix'];
if (empty($this->_idPrefix)) {
$this->_idPrefix = substr(md5(Mage::getConfig()->getOptions()->getEtcDir()), 0, 3).'_';
$backend = $this->_getBackendOptions($options);
$frontend = $this->_getFrontendOptions($options);
$this->_frontend = Zend_Cache::factory('Varien_Cache_Core', $backend['type'], $frontend, $backend['options'],
true, true, true );
if (isset($options['request_processors'])) {
$this->_requestProcessors = $options['request_processors']; } if (isset($options['disallow_save']))
{ $this->_disallowSave = $options['disallow_save'];
This piece of code:
if (isset($options['request_processors'])) {
$this->_requestProcessors = $options['request_processors'];
Is what matters most.
The next thing that magento does is to find / initialize the class you have defined and it expects that you have an extractContent function defined in your model. How you do that is totally up to you but look at Magento’s implementation and get a hint or two.
Magento Full Page Cache has its own config model that loads your module’s (see no arbitrary) cache.xml file which gets initialized whenever you dispatch this event core_block_abstract_to_html_after and do you know where that event gets dispatched? If you thought in the toHtml method in Mage_Core_Block_Abstract then you should be writing this article not me.
Anyhow, the Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Observer::renderBlockPlaceholder observes that event and initializes the Enterprise config model. It has a method called _initPlaceholders which iterates through all of the cache.xml nodes and finds the definition of the holes and fillers. This model is the one that basically takes control of filling the holes you defined in the cache.xml which has a syntax similar to this:

So now we know how Magento finds the cache, config, events and adds the container name in the page. However we don’t know what the containers are? Essentially they are the ones responsible for filling the holes you have defined. Each container has two important methods applyWithoutApp and applyInApp that Vinai has explained exceptionally well here. But it will be awesome if you go take a look and be amazed because trust me YOU will need to, to fully understand it.
The function that will probably will matter most for you is:
* Render block content from placeholder
* @return string|false
protected function _renderBlock()
As that is the one that will get your dynamic content (read holes).

July 12, 2013 08:43 by
ASPHostPortal.com is a premiere web hosting company that specializes in Windows and ASP.NET-based hosting, proudly announces the new Microsoft product, ASP.NET MVC 5 hosting to all new and existing customers.
ASP.NET MVC 5 is the latest update to Microsoft's popular MVC (Model-View-Controller) technology - an established web application framework. MVC enables developers to build dynamic, data-driven web sites. ASP.NET MVC 5 adds sophisticated features like single page applications, mobile optimization, adaptive rendering, and more. Here are some new features of ASP.NET MVC 5:
- ASP.NET Identity
- Bootstrap in the MVC template
- Authentication Filters
- Filter overrides
“We pride ourselves on offering the most up to date Microsoft services. We're pleased to launch this product today on our hosting environment” said Dean Thomas, Manager at ASPHostPortal.com. “We have always had a great appreciation for the products that Microsoft offers. With the launched of ASP.NET MVC 5 hosting services, we hope that developers and our existing clients can try this new features.”
ASPHostPortal.com is one of the Microsoft recommended hosting partner that provide most stable and reliable web hosting platform. With the new launch of ASP.NET MVC 5 into its feature, it will continue to keep ASPHostPortal as one of the front runners in the web hosting market. For more information about new ASP.NET MVC 5, please visit http://www.asphostportal.com.
About ASPHostPortal.com:
ASPHostPortal.com is a hosting company that best support in Windows and ASP.NET-based hosting. Services include shared hosting, reseller hosting, and sharepoint hosting, with specialty in ASP.NET, SQL Server, and architecting highly scalable solutions. As a leading small to mid-sized business web hosting provider, ASPHostPortal strive to offer the most technologically advanced hosting solutions available to all customers across the world. Security, reliability, and performance are at the core of hosting operations to ensure each site and/or application hosted is highly secured and performs at optimum level.

July 12, 2013 08:38 by
ASPHostPortal.com is a premiere web hosting company that specializes in Windows and ASP.NET-based hosting, proudly announces the new Microsoft product, ASP.NET MVC 5 hosting to all new and existing customers.
ASP.NET MVC 5 is the latest update to Microsoft's popular MVC (Model-View-Controller) technology - an established web application framework. MVC enables developers to build dynamic, data-driven web sites. ASP.NET MVC 5 adds sophisticated features like single page applications, mobile optimization, adaptive rendering, and more. Here are some new features of ASP.NET MVC 5:
- ASP.NET Identity
- Bootstrap in the MVC template
- Authentication Filters
- Filter overrides
“We pride ourselves on offering the most up to date Microsoft services. We're pleased to launch this product today on our hosting environment” said Dean Thomas, Manager at ASPHostPortal.com. “We have always had a great appreciation for the products that Microsoft offers. With the launched of ASP.NET MVC 5 hosting services, we hope that developers and our existing clients can try this new features.”
ASPHostPortal.com is one of the Microsoft recommended hosting partner that provide most stable and reliable web hosting platform. With the new launch of ASP.NET MVC 5 into its feature, it will continue to keep ASPHostPortal as one of the front runners in the web hosting market. For more information about new ASP.NET MVC 5, please visit http://www.asphostportal.com.
About ASPHostPortal.com:
ASPHostPortal.com is a hosting company that best support in Windows and ASP.NET-based hosting. Services include shared hosting, reseller hosting, and sharepoint hosting, with specialty in ASP.NET, SQL Server, and architecting highly scalable solutions. As a leading small to mid-sized business web hosting provider, ASPHostPortal strive to offer the most technologically advanced hosting solutions available to all customers across the world. Security, reliability, and performance are at the core of hosting operations to ensure each site and/or application hosted is highly secured and performs at optimum level.

June 28, 2013 06:14 by

Magento is an opensource e-Commerce web application trusted by the world's leading brands. Magento has become a popular choice in the last few years because of all the choices and features it gives while developing an ecommerce website. If you or a 3rd party developer needs to access your Magento powered ecommerce store, then you’ll want to do so via the built-in API. Granting access to the Magento API is a fairly simple task. Giving a Role custom or full access is done under Web Services > Roles. Choose your Role, then select the Role Resources tab. From this screen you can set the access that this particular Role has.
While creating a Role and giving access to the Catalog section I noticed that the Role Resources were never updating, no matter if I gave full or custom permissions. The version of Magento was 1.6.2 (latest at the time of development). There is apparently a bug with the code that affects 1.6.X versions of Magento Community Edition (CE).
The fix is fairly simple and requires a small code adjustment on the core code. Generally, it’s best to copy over the core code you are editing to a local version as your edits will get overwritten if you update the core code. But, since we know that this has been patched in 1.7, it’s best to let Magento overwrite it when we do upgrade.

Below is the code edit: Inside app/code/core/Mage/AdminHtml/Block/Api/Tab/RolesEdit.php we will look inside the constructor for a function call to getPermission.
The old line of code should be:
if (array_key_exists(strtolower($item->getResource_id()), $resources) && $item->getPermission() == 'allow')
The new line of code should be:
if (array_key_exists(strtolower($item->getResource_id()), $resources) && $item->getApiPermission() == 'allow')
This's all step fixed the issue for others running 1.6.X and not being able to edit an API User’s Role Resouces.